How to Improve Gut Health

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in every person, more and more research shows that our gut (digestive system) has a bigger role in many diseases than we used to think. And we’re not just talking about heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, […]

Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods

Do you love your breakfast? Do you have a short list of “go-to” recipes? Do you need a bit of inspiration to start eating breakfast again? Getting some protein at each meal can help with blood sugar management, metabolism and weight loss. This is because protein helps you feel fuller longer and uses up a […]

5 Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (borderline obsession) about cholesterol, right? Before we jump into some myths let’s make sure we’re on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is. Myth #1: “Cholesterol” is cholesterol While cholesterol is an actual molecule what it is bound to while it’s floating […]

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh

You totally want to ditch your scale, don’t you? You may have this weird kind of relationship with your “weight”. I mean, it doesn’t define you (obviously). What you weigh can matter but only to a certain extent. Let’s look at your waist circumference (well…you look at yours and I’ll look at mine). Waist Circumference […]

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight.  Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow. Why does this happen?  Why do metabolic rates slow down? What can slow my metabolism? Metabolism includes all of the biochemical reactions in your body that use nutrients […]

5 tips for better sleep

Have you said “bye-bye” to sleeping through the night? Are you feeling exhausted or “running on stress hormones” all day? Do not fear, I have some great tips (and an amazing recipe) for you! The science of sleep is fascinating, complicated and growing. Sleep is this daily thing that we all do and yet we’re […]

Coffee – Who can drink it and who should avoid it?

Coffee is one of those things – you either love it or hate it. You know if you like the taste or not (or if it’s just a reason to drink sugar and cream). You know how it makes you feel (i.e. your gut, your mind, etc.). Not to mention the crazy headlines that say […]

Everything You Think You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong and it’s Making You Fat and Tired

There is no shortage of health information available on the internet, in the media, and from well-meaning family and friends.

But some of that information may be doing you more harm than good.

In this post, I spill the beans about some common healthy eating myths and what matters just as much or even more than “how much” you eat.

Learn why “what” you eat and “how” you eat it are super-important things to consider.  Plus try my green smoothie meal recipe. HINT: Smoothies should be considered “meals” not snacks or drinks.